It Just Got Easier to Mine Single Bitcoin 2024 (BTC), Here’s Reason

It Just Got Easier to Mine Single Bitcoin (BTC), Here’s Reason


Recent market data shows there is a dramatic shift in the Bitcoin (BTC) network as it relates to mining difficulty. This shift has reduced the mining difficulty, with the hashrate dropping by over 5.6% to 83,148,355,189,239 (83.15 trillion). Per data from, this Bitcoin mining difficulty adjustment took place at block height 842,688, with the average hashrate coming in at 646.96 EH/s.


Bitcoin network difficulty is a measure of how hard it is for miners to verify transactions and add them to a block for rewards. Network difficulty is computed every two weeks, and the metric rises with increasing computers plugging in to mine more Bitcoin. The opposite trend occurs when there are fewer entities plugged into the network.

According to the data, the average network hashrate over the trailing seven-day period comes in at 572.18 EH/s, the biggest slump since at least December 2022. This drop, if sustained, means that for the same resources, miners can get additional output with amplified profitability.

With the earnings report by crypto mining firms underway, thus far, the favorable mining difficulty is showcased in their enhanced revenue for the first quarter.

The Bitcoin ecosystem is under an intense spotlight with the price of the underlying asset down by $61,135.59, or 2.29%, in 24 hours. The coin has been sliding since it recorded an all-time high (ATH) of $73,750.07. However, long-term traders are confident in the asset’s ability to stay resilient and potentially plot a rebound soon.

At the moment, bullish sentiment hinges on the take by CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju, who said the network can support more than 3x of its current valuation. For Bitcoin, this would imply a high of $256,000. With Morgan Stanley and Susquehanna reportedly embracing spot Bitcoin ETFs, the optics and potentials are notably well aligned.

You’re right, there was a recent decrease in Bitcoin mining difficulty in mid-May 2024. This means it has become slightly easier to mine a single Bitcoin.

Here’s a breakdown of what happened:

  • Mining difficulty dropped: Bitcoin mining difficulty adjusts automatically to maintain a steady block creation time. Recently, the hashrate (computing power dedicated to mining) on the Bitcoin network fell, leading to a decrease in difficulty.
  • Easier for miners: With lower difficulty, miners can potentially mine a single Bitcoin using the same computational resources in a shorter amount of time, potentially increasing their profitability.

However, it’s important to consider some nuances:

  • Competition: Even though it’s a bit easier, Bitcoin mining is still competitive. There are large-scale mining operations with significant resources.
  • Profitability: Profitability depends on factors like the price of Bitcoin and your mining costs (electricity etc.).

Overall, the recent difficulty decrease is a positive sign for Bitcoin miners, but it doesn’t guarantee easy profits.

Mining a single Bitcoin yourself (solo mining) is possible, but there are some things to consider before you dive in:

Challenges of Solo Mining:

  • Low chance of success: The Bitcoin network difficulty adjusts constantly. Even with the recent decrease, solo miners have a very low chance of successfully mining a block compared to large mining pools.
  • High investment: Solo mining requires powerful and specialized hardware (ASIC miners) which can be expensive. You’ll also need to factor in electricity costs, which can be significant for running this hardware constantly.
  • Unpredictable profits: It could take months or even years to mine a single Bitcoin solo, and the price of Bitcoin fluctuates, so your earnings are uncertain.

Alternatives to Solo Mining:

  • Mining Pools: Joining a mining pool combines your resources with others, increasing your chances of mining a block and sharing the rewards proportionally. This is a more realistic approach for most individuals.

Here’s a quick comparison:

Feature Solo Mining Mining Pool
Chance of Success Low Higher
Investment High (hardware, electricity) Lower (shared costs)
Profitability Unpredictable, potentially high rewards More consistent, lower individual rewards

Before you decide:

  • Research mining hardware and electricity costs in your area.
  • Explore reputable mining pools and their fees.
  • Consider the volatility of Bitcoin’s price.

Solo mining can be a gamble. For most people, joining a mining pool is a more reliable way to participate in Bitcoin mining.

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